The secrets to relieving hand eczema

The dermatologist's guide to recovery in case of dryness and inflammation of the skin of the hand

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In this guide, the dermatologist specialist of the Csalogány Medical Center, Dr. Norbert Kiss PhD, shares his experience on how to effectively treat hand eczema, i.e. drying and inflammation of the skin of the hands, in order to achieve healthy, hydrated skin.

If your hands are crying out for help this winter, you're not alone. Hand eczema is a very common skin disease affecting every tenth person, which can be accompanied by drying of the skin, significant pain, and itching.

In this comprehensive guide, we explore all the ins and outs of treating hand eczema, from causes and symptoms to practical tips to help you heal. We debunk common misconceptions and reveal up-to-date knowledge about effective skin care ingredients so you can make informed decisions. Get ready to say goodbye to dry, itchy hands and say hello to hydrated, well-groomed, healthy skin in the new year.

1. Exploring the background of hand eczema

Before we dive into possible solutions, we must first decipher the cause of hand eczema that triggers and perpetuates the problem. Symptoms are often triggered by cold, windy weather in the autumn-winter period, but various irritating substances also play a major role. These include soaps, dishwashing detergents, alcohol disinfectants, various alkaline or acidic cleaning agents and other chemicals. Rarely, certain allergens such as metals, fragrances, preservatives, dyes, or latex cause hand eczema.

If the symptoms have existed since infancy and appear on other parts of the body, then the background is often atopic eczema, which means a kind of inherited tendency. Symptoms can be further aggravated by psychological stress. At the same time, it is a common misconception that the symptoms are only caused by food allergies or gluten sensitivity, as these would cause skin inflammation in other parts of the body, not on the hands. We also don't have to worry about hand eczema being contagious.

In uncovering the background of hand eczema, we boldly ask for the help of our dermatologist, because often a combination of several seemingly innocent factors trigger the persistent symptoms and, in justified cases, an allergological examination may also be necessary.

2. Avoiding the root causes

If we have managed to identify the root cause, it is important to try to avoid it in the future. Wear warm, lined gloves outdoors in cool weather.

Wearing protective gloves during housework and washing dishes can be a great help, and in case of latex sensitivity, choose a latex-free type. We try to minimize the use of alcohol hand sanitizers as much as possible. It is also worth learning effective stress management techniques in order to eliminate the psychological causes of hand eczema.

3. The healing power of hand care

In order to alleviate the symptoms, choose a gentle oil or cream shower bath for hand washing. After washing your hands, when you get up, when you go to bed, and as often as possible during the day, use a hand care ointment for dry, irritated skin, which can be obtained from a pharmacy and is fragrance-free if possible. Panthenol, glycerin, hyaluronic acid, niacinamide and shea butter are effective ingredients that accelerate skin regeneration and ensure hydration.

At the same time, it is better to avoid creams containing lanolin or propylene glycol, as they can worsen hand eczema in an allergic way. Ethyl alcohol should also be avoided as an ingredient, as it dries out the skin even more. It is best to entrust the development of a hand-friendly routine suitable for the current condition to our dermatologist.

4. When it is worth asking for professional help

If we are faced with particularly inflamed, painful, cracked symptoms, it is definitely worth visiting our dermatologist as soon as possible. If our symptoms are milder, but we cannot eliminate them with home treatment, it is also important to seek professional help.

In this case, the dermatologists of the Csalogány Medical Center can achieve a complete recovery of your symptoms with various prescription anti-inflammatory ointments and, if necessary, even additional drug treatment with a complex, holistic approach, after uncovering the causes.

5. Prevention is the key

In order to alleviate the symptoms, choose a gentle oil or cream shower bath for hand washing. After washing your hands, when you get up, when you go to bed, and as often as possible during the day, use a hand care ointment for dry, irritated skin, which can be obtained from a pharmacy and is fragrance-free if possible. Panthenol, glycerin, hyaluronic acid, niacinamide and shea butter are effective ingredients that accelerate skin regeneration and ensure hydration.

At the same time, it is better to avoid creams containing lanolin or propylene glycol, as they can worsen hand eczema in an allergic way. Ethyl alcohol should also be avoided as an ingredient, as it dries out the skin even more. It is best to entrust the development of a hand-friendly routine suitable for the current condition to our dermatologist.

Final word

We hope you found this quick guide to hand eczema useful! Armed with practical tips, you'll be well on your way to making your hands the epitome of health.

Remember, the dermatologists of the Csalogány Medical Center are your allies on this journey, who are ready to guide you through every step of the healing process, for healthy hands and a future free from the discomfort of hand eczema!

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