Regular mole screening and skin examination - don't avoid it for your health!

Summer is almost here - at this time, your skin requires even more careful care and attention than usual. You already know for sure that it is recommended that you go for birthmark screening every year. In addition, it is important to immediately show the changing moles, growths, and spots that appear on the surface of the skin to a dermatologist, since the problem recognized in time significantly increases the chance of recovery. Let's see what we need to know about protecting our skin and health during the sunny season!

Sunlight has a global effect on our health, it creates the basis of life on earth, it is essential for the synthesis of vitamin D, without which the likelihood of the development of musculoskeletal and autoimmune diseases and certain tumors increases. In addition to the beneficial effects of UV radiation, however, it is responsible for cataracts affecting the eyes, reduces the defense capacity of the immune system, leads to premature skin aging, and last but not least, causes irreversible diseases, such as skin cancer. By staying in the open air for about 15 minutes a day, you are able to produce the daily amount of vitamin D you need, which amount cannot be increased by the length of time you spend in the sun. Vitamin D supplementation is recommended for those who work in closed workplaces, are in a blessed state, are elderly, have already suffered from skin cancer or have an increased risk of developing skin cancer.

Increasing UV radiation reaching the earth's surface results in an increase in the number of skin tumors. The background of the increased UV exposure is the increased emission of harmful substances (e.g. CFC gases) with the development of industry, due to the reduction of the ozone layer. However, in the last century, our behavior and clothing habits have also changed radically, and the role of this cannot be neglected either. It is important to note that it is not the conscious, regular, short-term exposure to the sun that is dangerous, but rather the sunburn, sunbathing at the hottest time between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m., and possibly falling asleep in the sun. These cause irreversible DNA damage in our skin, which, repeated years or decades later, leads to tumor formation.

What are the most common and most dangerous skin tumors?

The most common skin tumor is a cancer localized to the skin related to UV radiation, a basal cell cancer (basal cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma) with a lifetime risk of 33%. Although it mostly does not affect life prospects, since it appears as a continuously growing, non-healing, often scarred, firm-feeling skin lesion, if there is a long time between its appearance and its removal, it becomes larger and larger, and in certain places, for example on the face, its aesthetic solution is sufficient it can be difficult.

A bőrrák-megbetegedések jóval kisebb hányadát teszi ki a festékes daganatok csoportjába tartozó melanoma, the occurrence of which has increased enormously in the last decades in developed countries. It is a tumor with a very unpredictable behavior: it moves on a wide scale, and often the expected outcome cannot be predicted in advance, since it can metastasize even in the early stages.

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Severe sunburns suffered in childhood and adulthood predispose to it, but people with light skin, light hair, freckles, or people with multiple birthmarks are also at risk. In general, it can be said that in most cases it is recognized very early, at a stage that can be cured by surgical excision with a suitable safety zone. This is due to the not unfounded media attention, the information of lay people, the vigilance and screening activities of primary care workers, but above all, dermatologists. It is important to know that melanoma can develop not only by changing or damaging an existing mole, but also by new ones on the skin, often not even looking like a mole. Thus, birthmark screening performed on the system can literally save lives.

A laphámrák (spinalioma, spinocellurális carcinoma) its development is a function of the accumulated UV damage to the skin, suffered over decades, and its lifetime risk is 10%. Discovered in an advanced stage, this type of tumor is capable of metastases in regional lymph nodes and even distant organs. As with most cancers, the best chance of avoiding it lies in prevention. In this case, it is essential to change your sunbathing and dressing habits, to use sunscreen regularly and repeatedly. Today, you can find sunscreens with a variety of textures and dosage forms tailored to various body parts, countless skin types and skin diseases, and age groups; considering professional aspects, it can generally be said that the 30 or 50 factor preparations available in pharmacies can be recommended. In addition to these, it is extremely important to wear sunglasses and to choose the right clothing - on hot days, wear a hat and cover your shoulders with a scarf to avoid sunburn and skin damage.

Solaris keratosisnak that peeling, sometimes inflamed skin lesion is called which is a precursor to squamous cell carcinoma. We often notice it as we age on skin areas exposed to the sun throughout our lives: on the face, forehead, ears, nose, and if someone starts balding early, then on the top of the head. Although it is not yet malignant, it can turn into a tumor without treatment, which is significantly more difficult to treat.

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