Sun protection lesson on the effects of summer sun rays, prevention and protection

No matter how carefree summer is, it is not without danger - it is difficult to protect yourself against the harmful effects of the sun's rays, and although you can protect your eyes with sunglasses and your head with a hat, a significant surface of your skin is still exposed to both the pleasant and unpleasant effects of the sun.

What about moles?

First of all, you should go for a birthmark screening before your vacation. It is advisable to have your existing moles examined before a large amount or long-term UV radiation hits your skin. In recent years, the number of melanoma patients has increased by leaps and bounds, one of the known risk factors for the development of which is sunburn and excessive exposure to the sun, therefore, for preventive purposes, be sure to consult a specialist at least once a year so that the disease can be removed and cured in time. During the evaluation after the screening, your dermatologist will consult with you about whether it is necessary to remove one of them urgently or if it will be done in the autumn and winter months.

In addition to the genetic characteristics encoded in your skin type, new birthmarks can most often develop as a result of sunbathing, sunburn, and excessive UV radiation, often in large numbers on different parts of our body, such as arms and shoulders. Of course, during every screening, specialists also examine moles that are not directly exposed to light, since malignant moles can not only appear in areas exposed to light. With a self-examination, pay attention to whether you notice anything abnormal about yourself, for example, if the color, surface, shape, border of your mole changes, it also starts to grow on the surface of the skin, or is damaged or bleeding.

In these cases, be sure to consult a dermatologist, otherwise, annual mole screening is routinely recommended. If, on the other hand, there is a history of malignant skin tumors in your family, or if you have many irregular birthmarks, it is advisable to examine your skin every six months. Remember, you can also notice the suspicious patterns, but it is not possible to determine with the naked eye which of your moles may be dangerous, for this a dermatoscopic examination by a dermatologist is required.

…and what other effects can sunbathing have?

It is worthwhile to consciously pay attention to when and how much time you spend sunbathing. Between eleven o'clock in the morning and three o'clock in the afternoon it is not recommended to stay in the sun for a long time, if this happens, be sure to protect your head with a hat and your body with clothes. It is strongly recommended to do this in the case of bald/hair loss skin, as a tumor can easily develop in the scalp area.

It is a big job for our immune system to correct the harmful effects caused by sunburn (solar dermatitis), an inflammatory condition that occurs after excessive exposure to the sun. Excessive sunbathing is associated with skin aging, the consequences of which can be traced on the face, décolleté, and hands. It is no coincidence that more and more aesthetic interventions are aimed at correcting the long-term effects of the sun's rays.

In some cases, eczema, herpes, and other skin diseases flare up after a sunburn, so there are countless arguments in favor of tanning wisely and staying out of the sun.



It is therefore worth paying attention: consume lots of fluids, vitamins and minerals during the sunny period; use sunscreen - even in the form of a cream, oil, spray or stick - to determine the strength and type of sunscreen depending on your skin, ask for the help of our experts, who, in addition to professional advice, will also provide you with a sunscreen coupon with which you can buy at a discounted price in our clinic.

For professional advice and birthmark screening, book an appointment with us on the website.

We wish you to enrich yourself with many wonderful new experiences during the summer and soak up the life-giving rays of the sun! Consciously stay in the sun, but at the same time remember: tanned skin is only healthy and beautiful.

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