Hidradenitis suppurativa - how to recognize it?

There are diseases that significantly impair the quality of life, but at the same time they can be cured, but they are either difficult to recognize, or the patient feels inconvenient to consult a doctor with their symptoms. Hidradenitis suppurativa is typically such a disease. Early diagnosis and appropriate, effective treatment are key to its outcome. The first step is to visit a dermatologist.

What it means?

Hidradenitis suppurativa is a chronic inflammatory skin disease affecting the armpit and groin area. The symptoms usually appear in the areas of the body where the so-called apocrine sweat glands are found, as well as where the skin surfaces rub against each other, such as under the breasts, between the buttocks and on the inner thighs. Painful nodules and boils usually form in the inflamed areas. The disease is not contagious, but the exact cause is unknown. Its characteristic basic process is the blockage of hair follicles in the areas of the body with apocrine sweat glands.

Dermatologists sometimes call the condition inverse acne, as the lesions appear in areas spared by ordinary acne. Hidradenitis suppurativa can appear in many different forms, depending on the individual. In its mild form, acne-like nodules, blackheads or cysts form on the affected skin area. In more severe cases, abscesses may even discharge mucus, which can be the source of an unpleasant odor. In addition to pain, the resulting skin changes can also cause many other discomforts, which usually result in a significant deterioration in the quality of life.

Despite the skin symptoms, hidradenitis suppurativa is actually an inflammatory disease affecting the entire body, the background of which is a malfunction of the immune system. The disease can develop at any age, but most often appears in young adulthood. Its occurrence decreases with age, the number of new cases over the age of 50-55 is relatively low. Its occurrence in the average population worldwide can be estimated at approximately 1%, so approximately 100,000 people in Hungary may be affected. However, since the disease is not recognized in many cases, and a significant number of patients feel uncomfortable to consult a doctor with their symptoms, the number of diagnosed patients is much lower than this.

skin disease

In some cases, without proper treatment, the repeatedly recurring symptoms return in an increasingly severe form. Early diagnosis and appropriate, effective treatment are crucial for the outcome of the disease. The first step is to visit a dermatologist.

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